Tuesday 15 November 2011

Well, here I am again, not a very good blogger. am I? Had a very good day on 11.11.11.......did a healing reading whilst listening to Musical Rapture, from Frederic Delarue, music from Angels.  A wonderful day, felt quite amazing, felt like I was connected to millions of other people around the World all doing similar things.  The following day had an amazing free healing session with my former Teacher. Would not accept any payment, and I felt really good afterwards.
Being 17 kilos down, as I am now has helped me heaps. I have started walking on a regular basis again, and no longer have to have those little sit-downs I used to have, plus I do the walk in 15 minutes, instead of 25 minutes. My back no longer hurts when I walk. Rather, my hip may ache a bit.
My partner is working again, Doing seasonal work, but only managed to get 4 weeks work this year, last I think he got around 9 or 10 weeks work. So a frugal Xmas coming up. Will try to buy a cheap leg of pork for Xmas dinner. Might get one on Xmas Eve, marked down. Last year he got a full leg of ham, for $12.95, about 1 week before Xmas, so we made good use of it, ham for every meal, plus I carved some chunky bits & put it in the freezer. Good to make a one pot dish out of.  
Well, trying hard to lose that last 4 kilos before Xmas. That was my short term goal. I seem to be losing it really slowly, but at least it's going the right way.
Acknowledgements :- Frederic Delarue for Musical Rapture  link:-

You can get a free MP3 download of Musical Rspture from this link.

Bye for another month or two.....
Sylvia xx